Phew! We made it!
Welcome to the last week of our Halloween Medallion Quilt Along!
This week, I'll just talk a bit about putting all of the rows together to finish your top.
I'll assume that you know how to put together a quilt back, baste, quilt, and bind your quilt.
(I did include the measurements needed for your quilt back below!)
If you do need help, let me know, and I'd love to point you to some of my favorite tutorials online!

To make things simple,
I made up another PDF for you to download!
You can click here to download your Halloween Medallion Finishing PDF!
It includes diagrams and instructions on what order to sew all your rows together.
(the image above is a little snippet!)
The instructions also include the dimensions and instructions for cutting the few corner stones
and background filler bars you need to complete the rows,
as well as the dimensions you need for your quilt back.

Of course, life has gotten the better of me this week,
and I didn't quite get to sewing my rows together. Ugh!
I did get everything laid out for you to see what it should look like!
(and then of course discovered that there are six flying geese lost somewhere in my sewing room...
another indicator of what my life at the moment looks like I suppose, haha!)
There are a couple of you quilters out there so close to finishing your Halloween Medallions,
and I just can't WAIT to see what they look like!
Be sure to keep tagging #HalloweenMedallion and @michaelannn on all your Instagram posts
so that I can keep watching your progress and ooh and aah over your finished quilts!
I've had such a spooky time sewing with all of you,
thanks for playing along!
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so be sure to check back if you have a question!