Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happiest of Holidays!
I can't believe that Christmas has already come and gone,
and that in just a few short days it will be 2014.
Are you ready?!
Life has been all kinds of busy and merry,
and I almost forgot to share some very exciting news -
I am now a contributing writer for See Kate Sew!
My first post was a super simple DIY for a No Sew Turband.
Because who doesn't need a super simple project this time of year?!

All you need is an old t-shirt, and a bit of sparkly paint,
and you can have a new fancy headband in just a couple of minutes.
Perfect for a fabulous New Year's Eve night out!

Read the full tutorial for the DIY Turband here, and get busy crafting!
And most importantly, have a great last couple days of 2013. Eek!
Fantastic!!!! Love it!