DIY Style: Bright Whites and Summer Stripes

Michael Ann Made // DIY Style: Bright Whites and Summer Stripes

J Crew - Embroidered Gauze Top and Textured Stripe Shorts // Cotton and Curls - Button Up to Block Top Tutorial 
 Grainline Studio - Maritime Shorts Pattern

Michael Ann Made // DIY Style: Bright Whites and Summer Stripes

ModCloth - Just Like Stroll Times Dress // Colette Patterns - Eclair Pattern

Michael Ann Made // DIY Style: Bright Whites and Summer Stripes

Anthropologie - Spearmint Stripe Skirt // Pattern Runway - Pussy Bow Blouse 
Sew Together - Make Some Chevron and Make A Skirt

I'd like to introduce you to a new column I dreamed up - DIY Style! The idea is to take an outfit and show how to make it from patterns or tutorials I've found on the web. I love the idea of looking at clothes and trying to figure out how they're constructed, and thought this could be a fun way to share those ideas.

For this first installment of DIY Style, I was inspired by the combination of bright whites and summery stripes. This fresh, fun combination exemplifies summer to me, and I would love to wear any of these outfits on a trip to the coast or a stroll down the waterfront. My favorites here are that first white top from J Crew and the green striped skirt from Anthropologie. I've decided the "just below the knee" hemline is my absolute favorite, especially for swingy summery skirts.

This post also had the opportunity to be sponsored by Tide, Downy, and Bounce. I jumped at the chance because I swear by Tide! Our darling, ancient apartment washers never seemed to get our clothes clean until I started using Tide, and now that our clothes are getting extra dirty with our little adventure boy, I know I'm never using anything else. Three cheers for keeping those fresh summer whites and stripes clean and bright!


This post is sponsored by P&G. With Tide®, Downy® and Bounce®, you can keep your summer fashions looking new up to 50% longer.* Text CLEAN to TARGET (827438) for mobile coupons.
*vs. leading value detergent alone


  1. What a great new series! I can't wait to see more of them. :-)

  2. ooh, if you need extra projects to do let me know, you can sew for me ;) j/k of course, love your selections here!

  3. These are all so cute! I actually just finished a pair of striped Maritime shorts and am loving them!

  4. Oooh I love this new column, what a great idea! I'm hoping to find the time for sewing once Amelia is a little bit older... maybe something like that top refashion would be a good starter project!

  5. I LOVE the idea of taking cute outfits from the store and finding DIY versions of them on the web! How awesome. I hope you do some more of these! Now following you on Bloglovin'! :)



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