i hope you all had a wonderfully restful weekend and are ready for more handmade holiday fun!
this week we're going to focus on gifts for the tiny people in our lives.
so many of my friends are having little babies,
and i feel like there's nothing more fun to craft than a tiny present for a tiny person.
1. i think there's nothing cuter for a winter baby than these baby moccasins from the purl bee.
this is a picture of a pair i made last year for a friend, and i might have to make a couple more...
2. for a fancy little baby, there's this kimono diy and pattern from martha.
i could see this being wintry warm in a fuzzy flannel.
3. this may not be quite handmade, but i love this idea for a children's book advent from mer mag!
giving one of your favorite holiday books as child would be such a sweet gift.
4. and lastly is this cute indoor a-frame tent from built by kids.
a terribly fun gift for kids of all ages.
i hope these ideas get your tiny craft ideas going.
later this week i have a super cute diy from a dear friend to share, so i hope to see you back!
I love the idea of a book advent calendar! i still have a copy of The Night Before Christmas that I had when i was 5, complete with my brother's crayon doodles in the front cover! xo