spring break adventures

last week was spring break for both the mr and i
and oh what a wonderful week it was!

we decided to stay in our little portland town
and spent the week just having fun,
no worrying allowed!

we went to the portland temple
and ate at best teriyaki of course.

we went on a hike in the incredible forest park
and made lots of plans for summer forest adventuring.

we saw a friend perform in macbeth
(and do a really incredible job)
at an awesome little theater.

but i think my favorite was a day trip to the windy coast
and feeling the sunshine on my legs
in the car on the way home.

i think that we are both really excited for the term ahead
and ready to make adventuring a habit again!


  1. Ooh my friend is getting married at the Portland Temple this friday!
    I love your sand castle too!

  2. I don't think you two could be any dang cuter if you tried. What a fantastically fun spring break. And of course-- Happy Birthday!!!


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